or: Hamlet; Prince of Sigma Rho
a new American play by: Ben Salus
Frat Hamlet - by: Ben Salus
FRAT HAMLET is the story of Hamlet, the Sigma Rho Events Chair, who has just returned to campus after his older brother and Sig Rho President, Billy, died by "suicide" last Halloween. Gracie Gertrude, Hamlet's ex-future-sister-in-law, is dating the new President, Claude, who is trying to avoid getting thrown off campus by the Inter-Fraternity Council President and emerging drag star Freddie. Billy’s ghost, trapped on earth in the form of a Big Mouth Billy Bass fish, implores Hamlet expose the truth surrounding his death. Hamlet's ex-girlfriend, Ophelia, doesn't know how best to break up with him as she ponders transferring to an HBCU and away from her two brothers, also Sig Rho Brothers. Oh, and we forgot to mention that Hamlet and his bestie Horatio are pledge masters for a gaggle of Sig Rho wannabes who will do almost anything to become a brother.
As a pop-up, bespoke theatrical experience, the FRAT HAMLET is a theatrical performance in the guise of a frat party. Using elements of immersion, Shakespeare, drag, and frivolity, audience members connected with not only the material, but each other. Those who want to be included in immersive drinking games/tasks sport a “Pledge” sticker and revelry (safely) ensues.
People from all walks of life have similar empathetic responses while also loving every minute of this farcical, troubling, and defiantly contemporary play.
*photos and sizzle reel from the workshop production (June 2022)